Tina Haller

Register NOW for the NOURISH TO THRIVETM Program - 8 week Journey. Next session starts June 19th, 2024. Click to learn more


My Journey To A Renewed Mindset

The defining moment in my life that changed me forever was that fateful day when my sister, at the young age of 54, passed away suddenly, without warning.

We later learned that she had cancer throughout her whole body. This was the unfortunate wake-up call that I was not at all ready for! The truth is, it was time for me to lean in and take my own health seriously.

Was there ever a time where you were forced to reevaluate your life?

I had been running my life on autopilot, doing more and more for my career and my family trying to be all to everyone. The signs of distress were there: low energy, body pains, mood swings, weight gain, chronic headaches, hormonal imbalances, blemished skin and terrible digestive problems.

I didn’t stop to listen to the whispers that were poking me along the way trying to tell me that something was wrong. Instead, these signs became my new reality.

Could I be setting myself up for the same destiny as my sister and not realizing it?

Nutrition and fitness were always high priority for me, so how could someone who eats healthy and exercises daily, be so unhealthy?

That is when I had my breakthrough insight!

I was exclusively paying attention to my physical body while ignoring my spiritual, mental and emotional components that are so essential to maintain a vibrant, healthy life.

I came to the realization that STRESS was the catalyst that was creating havoc in my body.

Stress can rear its ugly head in so many ways leading to high levels of cortisol in our body (our main stress hormone), which then leads to inflammation and ultimately illness and weight gain.

So I set out on a holistic journey to heal my body from the inside out. For the next few years, I did some deep soul searching and discovered the many ways I was unwittingly sabotaging my health; my mindset, poor sleep, diet that wasn’t serving me, stress from my career and the demands of raising a family. Combined, it was a perfect storm!

I started following several high-profile holistic practitioners learning lots on stress management, nutrition, toxicity, about chemicals in our food and environment and our mindset and how all of these can create stress within our bodies.

I went back to school to become a holistic nutritionist and researched a ton to understand the link between immune dysfunction and disease, how to rewire the brain for success and methods to de-stress the mind and body which allowed for important emotional and behaviour shifts.

I became a sponge for knowledge as I needed to get to the bottom of what was going on inside my body.

During my holistic journey, I had a huge insight that a lot of my stress was due to my negative self-talk. How I was speaking to myself was creating a lot of internal turmoil. This was my ‘Ah-ha’ moment that changed me forever. It was at this moment that I realized ‘I am in control of my own destiny’.

“Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits become your values, your values become your destiny.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi

When I started to change my perspective on life from a negative to a positive tone, my health changed drastically. Doors of opportunity and possibilities opened everywhere and for the first time I felt EMPOWERED.

The last couple of years has been an incredible journey to self-realization and rejuvenation. I regained my energy back, I am now at a healthy weight and it is sustainable, I am the fittest and healthiest I have ever been, and best of all, I feel revitalized. Each individual cell within my body is now working in optimal performance.

My four pillars of health; physical, mental, emotional and spiritual are now in alignment, for the first time in my life.

I am now living a life of true passion; I jump out of bed in the morning excited about what is in store for me that day.

This empowerment was so impactful in my life that I knew I needed to teach this to others so that they could also feel EMPOWERED. We tend to live our life “small” but there are so many opportunities for us that our MINDSET shuts down!

I took all this knowledge I had been gathering over the years, added my own insights, tested, and tweaked it, and came up with the RenewYouTM system which is a 90-day system of simple but powerful strategies that is designed to manage your stress and reclaim your energy. This system identifies your stressors, provides tools and strategies to overcome them, and empowers you to be the best version of yourself – physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

My friends and clients were curious about what I was doing differently and they wanted to get the same results that I was getting. So I tried my RenewYouTM system out on them and their results were phenomenal.

They were experiencing:

  • significant weight loss
  • improved digestion
  • increased energy
  • career shifts that were now in alignment with their true passions and core values
  • relationships with their spouse that were collaborative rather than conflictive
  • feelings of self-love for the first time
  • becoming highly motivated and excited for the future
  • increased productivity
  • … and so much more

This was the moment I knew my calling was coaching people on how easy it is to make small shifts in awareness, energy and patterns that will have a huge impact on their overall optimal health.

And so I want YOU to have this amazing system too. After all, you deserve it!

…Now it’s your turn.

Schedule a time to chat with me so we can discuss if my system will work for you.

What People Are Saying …

“I recently attended Tina’s Limiting Beliefs workshop which was very informative and helped me realize many things about myself. This made me want to engage in one on one life coaching with her. During these sessions, Tina was insightful, genuinely caring, and nonjudgmental, but most importantly she was a great listener. She was able to offer up tools that I could use daily to be a better version of myself and navigate calmly. It takes a special person to coach one through life’s challenges. Tina is that person.”

“Tina takes the time to know her clients’ needs & limitations and helps you reach your optimal potential and goals. I have experienced that when she coached me to become a runner and in her personal training classes, but most recently I have had the opportunity to receive life coaching from Tina. Her techniques have helped me see things differently and I have been able to implement her suggestions into my everyday life that has made a positive impact on my life. Tina is truly passionate in helping others to make a difference in their lives – physically, mentally and emotionally.”

“Tina has always been a huge inspiration to me physically and emotionally. I never thought I’d be able to run a half marathon let alone a full marathon! She was able to make my dream become reality that I thought was just for “other people”. Tina is currently helping me to uncover other limiting beliefs that have been sabotaging me my entire life and keeping me from reaching my true authentic goals. I am excited to now be able to isolate these feelings and beliefs and look forward to freedom and happiness in my life thanks to Tina!”

“My experience with Tina as a life coach is helping me to change my outlook on life. She is a good and empathetic listener who asks questions that makes me think with greater clarity. I look forward to our sessions because something new and exciting is bound to happen. When you commit to working with Tina, you will get results. I recommend others to give her a try.”
~ Cathy